Friday, May 31, 2019

June Begins

Where we stand right now:
4 $25  Disney gift card
1 $5 Starbucks card
Paypal balance: $326
1 $25 Visa cards
1 $20 amazon card
1 $2 Target gift card
1 $15 Target gift card


In the apps:
SwagBucks: 9090

Ibotta: $2.75

Fetch Rewards: Cashback from shopping. 6169 points, about $6

Killi (get paid when your info gets sold, as it will): $0.88

Lucktastic (scratch cards) $3.25 and 103278 points ($20)

Lucky day (scratchers)  $5  22.4 million points ($20) (redeemed $2)

Smores (a lockscreen ad): 1357

Shopkick: 3031 ($10)

Sweat coin: 208 coins. 20 coins=$1 ($10)

KO trivia/Lucky Draw :31,261 ($2)

Achievement 3856/10K, about $3

Lifecoin: 372 (50/$1)

Giftloop, lost all my points in the reboot. 3397 points (10 cents)

Coin Pop (games for points) 105239 (over $10)

App Flame: 31290 ($2.75)

Playspot 13379

Plutus doll, SCAM no way to cash out

Cash Alarm: 12483 ($1)

Total, about $213.32if I could cash it all out. Most of them need a lot more before the minimum point.

Grand total: 706.32

I've earned $17, since I didn't move my mystery shop money into the paypal
I have about $50 of it. So call it $67 this month. Not terribly profitable.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Mid May

Where we stand right now:
4 $25  Disney gift card
1 $5 Starbucks card
Paypal balance: 201.10 (there was a purchase)
1 $25 Visa cards
1 $20 amazon card

Total: 351.10

In the apps:
SwagBucks: 8512

Ibotta: $2.75

Fetch Rewards: Cashback from shopping. 5970 points, about $5

Killi (get paid when your info gets sold, as it will): $0.88

Lucktastic (scratch cards) $3.25 and 93398 points ($20)

Lucky day (scratchers)  $5  25.06 million points ($20)

Smores (a lockscreen ad): 1317

Shopkick: 3031 ($10)

Sweat coin: 182 coins. 20 coins=$1

KO trivia/Lucky Draw :1,193,696 ( $100)

Achievement 3614/10K, about $3

Lifecoin: 347 (50/$1)

Giftloop, 85072 ($3)

Coin Pop (games for points) 96459 (over $10)

App Flame: 28948($2.75)

Playspot 11915

Plutus doll, 29.3 mil, need 75M for $50 (about $20)

Total, about $331.83, if I could cash it all out. Most of them need a lot more before the minimum point.

Grand total: 682.93

We're down $7 from the start of the month, in short the credit card payment. But we keep on keeping on

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

First of May

Where we stand right now:
4 $25  Disney gift card
1 $5 Starbucks card
Paypal balance: 234.55
1 $25 Visa cards
1 $20 amazon card

Total: 384.55

In the apps:
SwagBucks: 7196

Ibotta: $1.75

Fetch Rewards: Cashback from shopping. 5920 points, about $5

Killi (get paid when your info gets sold, as it will): $0.88

Lucktastic (scratch cards) $3.25 and 84875 points ($20)

Lucky day (scratchers)  $4  23.55 million points ($20)

Smores (a lockscreen ad): 1176

Shopkick: 3021 ($10)

Sweat coin: 170 coins. 20 coins=$1

KO trivia/Lucky Draw :1,020,106 ( $100)

Achievement 3309/10K, about $3

Lifecoin: 336 (50/$1)

Giftloop, 72697 ($2-3)

Coin Pop (games for points) 88964 (not quite $10)

App Flame: 28331 ($2.75)

Playspot 10399

Plutus doll, 21.5 mil, need 75M for $50 (about $14)

Total, about $304.74, if I could cash it all out. Most of them need a lot more before the minimum point.

Grand total: 689.29
Now to get things to minimum cashouts!

I can do this!