Saturday, March 16, 2019

Mid March update

We've decided to push the trip to the early part of Dec 2020. A belated anniversary trip, because of health issues (neither of us has good body thermostats and October is still hot.)
This gives us a couple extra months to come up with money too.

Where we stand right now:
1 $25  Disney gift card
1 $5 Starbucks card
Paypal balance: 49.38
2 $25 Visa cards

Total 129.38

In the apps:
SwagBucks: 8133

Coin Pop (games for points) 79222 ($5)

KO trivia/Lucky Draw : 624392 (almost $50)

Lucky day (scratchers)  $2.254   16.25 million points ($10)

Lucktastic (scratch cards) $3.25 and 61327 points ($10)

Smores (a lockscreen ad): 725

Killi (get paid when your info gets sold, as it will): $0.83

Ibotta: $1.25 .

Shopkick: 2732

Sweat coin: 103 coins. 20 coins=$1

Readercoin: 558, 400coins=$1  but hey, I'm getting my reading in by audiobook!

Fetch Rewards: Cashback from shopping. 5448 points, about $5

App Flame: 25089 ($2.50)

MistPlay 747 (about $2)
Playspot 8178

Total, about $205, if I could cash it all out. Most of them need a lot more before the minimum point.

This is...looking doable. I have mystery shop money coming in on Friday. I need to turn it and the Paypal into giftcards.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

First of March

Proven Earners
SwagBucks: 8890, cashing out a discounted $25 tonight

Coin Pop (games for points) 60417

KO trivia/Lucky Draw : 568,153

Lucky day (scratchers)  $1   14.327 million points 

Lucktastic (scratch cards) $3.25 and 51762 points

Smores (a lockscreen ad): 605

Earn cash. $40 and $300 cash out have not arrived. Am at 114,377 points for second $300 cashout

Not enough:
Killi (get paid when your info gets sold, as it will): $0.58

Ibotta: $1.25 They don't offer much I use.

Shopkick: 2720

Sweat coin: 76.62 coins. 20 coins=$1

Readercoin: 544 400coins=$1  but hey, I'm getting my reading in by audiobook!

Fetch Rewards: Cashback from shopping. 3908 points, about $3

App Flame: 24012 (not quite $2.50)

MistPlay 747 (about $2)

Referral codes to any of these available