Sunday, June 9, 2019

Spent all week being someone else

It was a very productive week in Nick and Gabriel land.

I found out about Crisis Role Playing. This is where you go be a disaster victim for the National Guard.

You can look for jobs in your area here:

You apply on line, and if selected, you show up a little before the designated time.

You go through moulage (makeup) and are given an injury. The coordinators explain the scenario and you come up with ideas of how to be your injured self. You have a tag listing your injury, pain level, mood, and your vitals (blood pressure, pulse, capillary refill)

I was a Nonambulatory Open Fracture (my ambulation is iffy at good times), and had a very good latex appliance of a compound fracture of the tibia.

The coordinators were short of roleplayers, so I contacted everyone I knew for a $15/person bounty.
I made about $135 extra. (not sure if Evan counts for one day or two)

So, for two long days out doors, with free water, snacks and lunch, I was paid $250.  Which the bounty brought to $385.

I had to let guardsmen cut my clothes off, (I had on a t-shirt that said "I'm Naked" to let them know where to quit), decontaminate me and triage me after they pulled me from the wreckage of my earthquake wracked apartment.

It took seven of them to move me from decontam board to gurney and I screamed a lot because of the broken leg. I was calm and helpful unless they messed with the leg.

It was easy money. And a lot of fun. I made a couple new friends and caught up with people I don't see enough of.

The second fun thing was a drag debut.
If you know me, you know I'm queer. There's no other word that fits. I'm genderfluid and polyamorous and kinky and generally strange and unusual.

On Friday, I took the stage at Dru's Place for Open Stage. Drag performers make tips. (I got $3)
And this got me into the community and I made some acquaintances, which may lead to paid gigs, similar to what Gabriel gets. (I already have a second show booked!)

Me, out on the town.

Gabriel's been performing and doing light work for shows all spring to help pay his part.
This is my favorite of his

He also went to the dentist and we now know it will take 2200 to get his teeth pulled and dentures made. We have about $800 in cash right and the money coming in from the roleplay will help.
But all the vacation savings--except gift cards--are going to this.  It's a setback, but not a huge one.

The Dream continues because we can still do this!

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